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BSMU student became the silver medalist of “I am a Professional” Olympiad

The Silver medalist of "I am a Professional" Olympiad became the student of the Faculty of Dentistry, Yumagulova Alfiya. She will receive the certificate for residency or postgraduate study admission, the opportunity to undergo internship and will be included in the database of young professionals. In addition, Alfiya received a personal invitation to participate in "Russia is a Country of Opportunities» All-Russian forum.

The winners of the Olympiad became the following students: the Faculty of General Medicine - Gromenko Regina, Kinzyagulova Elvira, Protsenko Veronika and Karimova Gulnaz; the Faculty of Dentistry - Arshinova Vladislava and Kadyrbaev Galim. Prize-winners of the Olympiad became the following participants: the Faculty of General Medicine - Baigulova Regina, Zhakova Guzel, Petukhova Victoria and Vakhmyanina Victoria.

The All-Russian Olympiad "I am a Professional" was held on Yandex platform since November 7. Two hundred and ninety-five thousand students from all over the country, including 20,000 in the field of Medicine, attended the Olympiad.

The competition was held in several stages: registration, qualifying and final in-person phases. As part of the Olympiad Sechenov University hosted the winter school "SECHENOV.PRO". Ten students from our University attended it.

"Nowadays young people are distinguished by a high sense of professionalism. "I am a Professional" Olympiad showed that modern students have the opportunity to remove all barriers within the framework of the social elevator and find themselves in the profession. Moreover, they do it in short term. It can be scientific activities and studies, admission to the international School "Medicine of the Future" within which we carry out overseas internships, etc. For medical universities it is very important to form the staff reserve of such self-motivated and promising young people. This is really the "doctors of the future", who will deal with IT solutions, new biotechnologies, the development of innovative medicines and their introduction into practice" - said Pyotr Glybochko, the rector of Sechenov University, one of the organizers of the Olympiad and the curator of its medical direction.

On January 27, the full-time stage for the Volga Federal district was held in BSMU. At this part of the competition 15 students of our University and about 70 students from medical Universities of Samara, Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk were selected. Audio and video materials of the full-time stage were sent to Moscow, where the expert jury identified the best students throughout the country.

- Nowadays, new horizons are opening up for students. Participation in the Olympiad of such level is a test of knowledge and new opportunities that will help in professional development. I encourage all students to take part in such events, - shared her impressions Yumagulova Alfiya.

We congratulate our students and wish them further success!