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Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with Biotechnology Course

  • Basic information
  • Educational activity
  • Staff
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with Biotechnology Course

Work Phone: +7 (347) 271-23-25

Mailing address: 450010, Ufa, st. Pilots, 2

E-mail address: tehnolog@bashgmu.ru

The department is located on the 1st floor of building No. 11 of the Belarusian State Medical University (Zaton) and has the following facilities: 4 Pharmaceutical Technology Classrooms and 1 biotechnology audience, also one educational and scientific laboratory, office department head, teaching and methodological office, offices of associate professors, one assistant, laboratory room, other auxiliary rooms.

The Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with a biotechnology course is one of the specialized departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, organizing (and coordinating) the process of professional formation of the person studying as a future specialist. The head of the department is Yulia Vitalievna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Shikova.

Currently, the department is 83% settled. The department has a professor, four assistant professors, one senior lecturer.

Contact information:

In 1983, the Department of Dosage Form Technology was opened at the Bashkir State Medical Institute, which is one of the specialized departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Two special courses were taught at the department - a pharmacy technology course and a factory technology course for students of 3, 4 and 5 courses. It was headed by Vera Vladimirovna Narkevich, candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer.

The opening of the department is always associated with great difficulties and problems and, first of all, this is the selection of personnel, the development of new premises and their equipment, the development of an educational and methodological complex. Vera Vladimirovna coped with the above problems successfully, and the department began its work.

Students and teachers had to combine the educational process with construction work, equipment installation. It is appropriate to recall the former Bashkir pharmacy department, headed by V.K. Desyatkin. He himself and his team have put a lot of effort into providing technical assistance.

In 1984, according to the competition, Vitaly Alekseevich Likhoded, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, was appointed to the post of head of the department.

From that moment, the second stage of the formation of the department began. In accordance with the curriculum, two courses were organized: pharmacy technology of dosage forms, technologies of finished dosage forms and the special course "Biopharmacia," and in 1995 a biotechnology course was opened.

Professor Likhoded V.A. is a co-author of a teaching manual on biotechnology, which is used in all universities of the Russian Federation. Professor Likhoded V.A. concurrently worked as the head of the Department of Pharmacy of the Chelyabinsk Medical Academy.

Along with improving the educational process, a big problem arose in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the choice of the scientific direction of the department. It should be noted that, thanks to the correct orientation of the teachers of the department and the support of the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the tasks set were completed successfully and in a fairly short time.

The department has full-time and correspondence postgraduate studies. Currently, the department has prepared under the guidance of Professor Likhoded V.A. 20 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors of pharmaceutical sciences. The first candidate of pharmaceutical sciences of

the Faculty of Pharmacy was assistant A.V. Brazhenko and graduates of the first issue: Associate Professor G.V. Ayupova, Associate Professor O.I. Urazlin, Senior Lecturer L.L. Akhmetgaleeva

It should be noted that the candidates of the farm prepared at our department. sciences work not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in other regions and countries. Ph.D. P. M. Mukhametzyanov heads the pharmaceutical company "Bionorm," Ph.D. Zh.M. Golovastikova - teacher of the Department of Industrial Technology at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.P. Sechenov, Ph.D. Pirogovsky R.V. works as chief engineer of a chemical and pharmaceutical enterprise in Morocco.

Since 2011 Head of the Department Professor, Doctor of Education Shikova Yulia Vitalievna. Shikova Yu.V. has more than 350 publications and more than 70 patents. Research interests: Development of medicinal forms of wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect with preparations of plant and animal origin. Under the scientific supervision of Yulia Vitalievna, 4 candidate dissertations were defended.

Shikova Yu.V. worked on the creation of highly effective dosage forms with dibunol. The compositions and technology of tablets, ointments, suppositories containing dibunol were developed, their physicochemical, structural-mechanical and pharmacological properties, quality control methods were studied, and two VFS for the substance and Tonarol tablets were developed. In 1999, at the Research Institute of Pharmacy, she defended her thesis on the topic: "Development of composition, technology and biopharmaceutical research of dosage forms with dibunol." In 2005, at the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), RAAS defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Biopharmaceutical justification of formulations and development of technology for the production of soft dosage forms."

According to the Memorandum of Mutual Assistance for Academic Cooperation between the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy and the Bashkir State Medical University under the Academic Mobility program, students study at the above-mentioned universities accordingly - they listen to lectures and attend practical classes at the UKGFA (Shymkent).

Since 2017, close cooperation with medical universities of the DPRK has begun. The chair was attended by a delegation from Heilundjiang University of Chinese Traditional Medicine, which today is one of the leading universities in Heilongjiang Province, a center for medical education and pharmacology, treatment and development of Chinese traditional drugs.

The department conducts training of highly qualified personnel in graduate school with a degree in 14.04.01 Technology of obtaining drugs, highly qualified personnel, qualification of a pharmacist-technologist, in residency with a degree in 33.08.01 Pharmaceutical technology, specialists in master's programs 33.04.01 Industrial pharmacy, in the field of training 06.04.01 Biology, focus - medical biotechnology, middle-level specialists in the specialty of secondary vocational education 33.02.01 Pharmacy.

Since 2021, the department has been lecturing and conducting practical classes for students from among foreign citizens in the disciplines of pharmaceutical technology, the basics of biopharmation, biotechnology, innovative and nanotechnological dosage forms in pharmaceutical technology using an intermediary language (English).

The following disciplines are studied at the department with a degree in 33.05.01 Pharmacy: pharmaceutical technology in the third, fourth and fifth courses, biotechnology in the fourth and fifth courses, the variable part of innovative and nanotechnological dosage forms in pharmaceutical technology in the fifth year and the basics of biopharmaceuticals in the third year.

Elective courses in disciplines are organized at the department:

1. Technology of medical and cosmetic preparations, for students of 5 courses.

Responsible teacher: Doctor of Finance, Professor Yu.V. Shikova

2. homeopathic technology of dosage forms, for students 5 courses.

Responsible teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor F. Kildiyarov

3. pharmaceutical technology of veterinary drugs, for students 5 courses. Responsible teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor F. Kildiyarov

Training stands are equipped: "Veterinary preparations," "Homeopathic preparations," "Excipients," "Cosmetology," "Patches," etc.

To ensure the educational process, the department has developed guidelines for students and teachers. A laboratory workshop was organized. Classes are held in specialized laboratories equipped with the necessary equipment and reagents. To control the assimilability of knowledge, test tasks and situational tasks were created.

Classes on pharmaceutical technology are carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, with curricula, standard and working programs in all disciplines, methodological instructions for students for practical classes for independent contact and non-audit work.

In accordance with the Regulations and the procedure for the formation of the Educational and Methodological Complex, educational and methodological materials were fully prepared and introduced into training in print and electronic format.

Teaching materials include:


- qualification characteristic of a specialist;

- the main educational program (OOP) of the specialist;

- curriculum;

- work program of discipline;

- annotation of lecture course (methodical development of lectures);

- guidelines for teachers;

- methodological guidelines for students for independent contact work;

- methodological guidelines for students for independent non-audit work;

- evaluation materials fund;

- criteria for ball-rating assessment of knowledge and skills of students in the main discipline;

- table of discipline provision with educational literature.

All elements of the educational and methodological material (UMM) are presented on the educational portal of the Belarusian State Medical University in the section of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with a course in biotechnology.

Remote technologies have been introduced.

- all lectures are given with multimedia support (multimedia presentations of the full course of lectures have been developed);

- there are videos.

- created films for students of IV, V courses

1. Organization of large pharmaceutical production in accordance with GMP.

2. "Genetics" in biotechnology.

3. Pharmacist's Handbook.

- tabular fund.

The department has an online page for distance learning for students.

List of educational and teaching aids developed at the department for 5 years.

1. Pharmacy and laboratory utensils, Zh.V. Mironenkova, F.A. Khaliullin, Yu.V. Shikova, Lihoded TA., Gabdulkhakova L.M., 2018.

2. Current Aspects of Immunobiotech Drug Treatment, A.A. Fedotova, Ivakina S.N., Gabdulkhakova L.M., G.V. Ayupova, Zh.V. Mironenkova, 2020.

3. Tableted dosage forms, Yu.V. Shikova, Kildiyarov F.H., Petrova V.V., 2021
