To expand international activities and engage faculty and students of all levels into global medical science and practice Bashkir State Medical University regularly hosts events such as conferences, master-classes, open lectures with participation of prominent international experts of various areas of medicine.
The most significant events were held in Ufa with the participation of BSMU:
The Week of Healthcare of Member States of BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (May, 25-29th 2015);
IX international forum "Intellectual property - XXI century" (April, 25-29th 2016);
International scientific conference “Interdisciplinary issues of innovative solutions for male and female health problems, reproductive and sexual medicine” (30 June – 1 July 2016)
Workshops “New technologies in the treatment of oncological diseases of GI tract” by Professor Peng Bing from Sichuan university (China) (October 5-6th , 2016)
Workshop “Cryoablation of bone metastases” by Professor Marco van Strijen from St. Antonius Hospital, Utrecht, Netherlands (October, 12-13th , 2016)
XVI Congress of Russian Association of Urology (October 20-22th , 2016)
All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Pharmaceutical education, modern aspects of science and practices" (December 16th , 2016);
V All-Russian scientific and practical ophthalmologic conference "The Eye" (March 31th , 2017)
82 All-Russian scientific conference of students and young scientists "Problems of theoretical and practical medicine" (April 24th, 2017)
First Russian-Chinese congress of neurosurgeons (October 18-19th, 2017)
All-Russian student Olympiad on surgery with international participation (December 5-6th, 2017)
Scientific and practical conference "Modern Technologies in Surgery of the Lungs and Thorax" with international participation (December 14th, 2017)
Opening of the first in the Volga Federal district the Robotic Surgery Center in BSMU Clinic (February 23rd, 2018)
International scientific and practical conference “Pharmaceutical education, modern aspects of science and practice” with the participation of foreign professors (May 23rd, 2018)
First Russian-Chinese Congress on Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases (June 14th, 2018)
IV All-Russian Urologists School with international participation “Robotic surgery in urology. Plastic and reconstructive laparoscopic urology” (June 22-23, 2018)
IV annual Russian-Chinese Conference for Young Scientists (September 5th, 2018)
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and Practical Issues of Immunology and Infectology” (October 3-5, 2018)
Educational and Methodical Conference “Modern medical education: topical issues, achievements and innovations” (November 15th, 2018)
84th All-Russian Scientific Conference of students and young scientists with international participation “Issues of Theoretical and Practical Medicine” (April 24th, 2019)
All-Russian Student Olympiad on Surgery with international participation (April 25-26, 2019)
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pharmaceutical education, modern aspects of science and practice” (May 15th, 2019)
Eurasian Congress of Urologists (May 24-25, 2019)
V Forum of Pediatric Surgeons of Russia with international participation and I Russian-Chinese Congress of Pediatric Surgeons (September 3-5, 2019)
Eurasian Congress on Antimicrobial Therapy and Clinical Microbiology (October 17-18, 2019)
First Russian-Israeli Medical Forum (October 18-19, 2019)