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Department of Internal diseases

  • Basic information
  • Methodological activity
  • Educational activity
  • Research
  • Staff
Department of Internal diseases

History of the department

The Department of Internal Diseases of BSMU has been operating since September 1, 2004 in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the Bashkir State Medical University of Roszdrav and the order of the rector on the basis of the therapeutic building of BSMU Clinics.

The department is located on the medical base of two therapeutic departments with 120 beds with an intensive care unit (ICU), accompanied by paraclinical departments: functional, laboratory, endoscopic, radiation diagnostics and physiotherapy department.

Contact information:

Ufa, Shafieva str., 2, 6 (therapeutic building of the BSMU Clinic, 7-8 floors.

Email address: halida.ganceva@mail.ru

History of the department

In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the Bashkir State Medical University dated June 29, 2004 and the order of the Rector of the Bashkir State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.M. Timerbulatov. to ensure the specification of the educational process of students and the development of the therapeutic service of the newly established University Clinic, the Department of Therapy of the Dental and Pediatric Faculties was organized on the basis of the BSMU Clinic on September 1, 2004 by transferring part of the teaching hours from the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases.

At the first stage of the emergence and formation of the department, its personnel potential was made up of students of one of the luminaries of the therapeutic school of Bashkiria, Honored Scientist of the BASSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ravil Gilmutdinovich Farkhutdinov: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Khalida Hanafievna Gantseva, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Emilia Pozdeeva Dmitrievna, Excellent Student of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ilyasova Lyudmila Ivanovna. Traditionally, the Clinical Hospital No. 6 of Ufa and then the University Clinic was the base of the students' summer industrial practice. In the 2006-2007 academic year, the Coordinating Scientific and Methodological Council of the University decided to approve the medical fund of the Clinic as the basis for year-round provision of students' practical training. During the three years of the department's activity, a lot of work has been done to improve the qualifications and primary retraining of the department's staff in therapeutic specializations.

The teachers of the department have primary specialization and certificates in the specialties No. 040122 – Therapy, No. 040122.05 – Cardiology, No. 040122.08 - Pulmonology, No. 040122.01 – Gastroenterology, No. 040122.07 – Nephrology, No. 040122.09 – Rheumatology, No. 040104 – Dermatovenerology, No. 040120 – Social hygiene and health organization, Medical examination, No. 040122.06 – Clinical Pharmacology, No. 040102 – Allergology-Immunology, No. 040126.03 – Oncology. It was the presence of a trained guard of highly qualified clinicians that was the basis for the publication of the order of the rector of the University (Order No. 107 of 17.07.06) on the profiling of beds in the University Clinic, including in the therapeutic building. This was the first step towards the primary licensing of the therapeutic service for the right of medical activity to provide specialized medical care. The opportunity that appeared in the therapeutic clinic of the University for interdisciplinary integration within the therapeutic specialty was the basis for planning and phased implementation in pre-graduate and postgraduate training of specialists, the introduction of high-tech types of medical care in various sections of therapy. Today, among 12 working teachers at the department, 9 are doctors of the highest medical qualification category. The scientific potential of the teachers of the department is high. Candidate and doctoral dissertations of the staff of the department are protected at the councils on codes of scientific specialties: 14.00.05 – Internal diseases, 14.00.39 – Rheumatology, 14.00.34 – Balneology and physiotherapy, 14.00.43 – Pulmonology, 14.00.36 – Allergology-Immunology, 14.00.25 – Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, 14.00.14 – Oncology, 03.00.07 – Microbiology. Teachers of the department actively improve their qualifications through participation in ongoing scientific and practical events. During the first 2 academic years, the department created a complete educational and methodological complex of 10 disciplines. Didactic provision of lecture material allows you to read all lectures in multimedia accompaniment. According to the results of the certification of educational and methodological work, the Department of Internal Diseases has repeatedly won prizes in the pediatric faculty and university. At the most difficult stage of the formation of the department, not a little has been done. But there are even more goals and unsolved tasks ahead. There are no unsolvable tasks... Today it is necessary to say words of gratitude to those who created us – the rector of the University in 1994 - 2003, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Timerbulatov Vil Mamilovich, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs in 1994-2003, Professor Hasanov Anvar Geniatovich, who taught us – Professor Farkhutdinov Ravil Gilmutdinovich and, of course, his colleagues, colleagues, without which none of the created would be impossible: associate Professor Emilia Dmitrievna Pozdeyeva, associate Professor Lyudmila Ivanovna Ilyasova and others.

Since 2004, the clinical base of the Department of Internal Diseases is the Clinic of the FGOU IN BSMU, where all the necessary conditions for the work of the department have been created.

The BSMU clinic is a medical and preventive institution with a developed material and technical base, equipped with modern medical equipment, with a hospital and outpatient polyclinic service. It provides highly qualified outpatient and inpatient medical care in many specialties to the population of not only the city and the republic, but also the nearest regions of the country. The staff of the Department of Internal Diseases conduct active medical and advisory work and supervise patients in the therapeutic departments of the BSMU Clinic and the Specialized Consultative and Diagnostic Center. All employees of the department are certified specialists in various fields and possess modern methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of therapeutic patients of various profiles. At the clinical base, the staff of the department carry out a lot of medical advisory and methodological work, contributing to the improvement of the quality indicators of the hospital and the SCDC. Under the guidance of the head of the Department of Internal Diseases , Professor H.H.Gantseva systematically conducts scientific and practical conferences, clinical rounds of patients, consultations, expert work with medical documentation, new forms of professional development of practitioners are being introduced. Along with this , there are:

• Consulting work in medical institutions of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan.


• Visits to the regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan to provide advisory and methodological assistance according to the plan of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan


• Participation in targeted and republican scientific programs together with doctors.


• Work as chief freelance specialists, experts of the FOMS and insurance companies, members of certification and certification commissions.


• Implementation of scientific developments in practical healthcare.


• Training of specialist interns and residents.


• Reviewing medical records of patients, certification materials of doctors, work as part of the LCC, KILI, commissions by order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan or the health Department of Ufa.


• Organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences at the clinical base, city and republican seminars.


Employees of the Department of Internal Diseases take an active part in the organization of clinical, clinical and pathoanatomical, scientific and other conferences of the BSMU Clinic, republican and All-Russian levels. Together with practical doctors, active scientific and methodological work is carried out: publications are being prepared, new methods of diagnosis and treatment are being introduced, etc. The staff of the Department of Internal Diseases provide active on-site advisory and medical assistance in the regions of the republic, master classes, seminars for doctors and lectures, schools for patients are held.   The staff of the Department of Internal Diseases of BSMU are highly qualified internists with a high level of theoretical and practical training. For highly qualified, active medical and advisory assistance, many employees of the Department of Internal Diseases were awarded certificates of honor from the BSMU Clinic, Ufa city and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The Department of Internal Diseases teaches the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases. Radiation diagnostics" (according to FGOS) for students of the 2-3 course of the pediatric faculty and the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases" (according to FGOS) for students of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Dentistry, "Internal Diseases. Clinical Pharmacology" (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) for 3rd and 4th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry, "Faculty Therapy" for students of the Faculty of Medicine (full-time and part-time). The priority in this case is the competence-based approach of teaching the discipline. The educational process is provided with the necessary number of textbooks, manuals, methodological guidelines and other educational materials and literature. All work programs, guidelines, recommendations, test and situational tasks were approved at the cathedral meeting, meetings of the CMC and KNMS of BSMU (educational portal). All lectures for students are read with multimedia accompaniment. Electronic textbooks, training, training and monitoring electronic programs are actively used in the educational process. Educational films, clinical rounds, business games, seminars, conferences, the most modern technical means of training are used in the learning process. The final control of knowledge in the disciplines - "Propaedeutics of internal diseases. Radiation diagnostics", "Internal diseases. Clinical Pharmacology", "Faculty therapy" is carried out by conducting a transfer exam at the pediatric, dental and medical faculties. The department has implemented a point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge. In addition, the department trains highly qualified medical personnel in residency and postgraduate training of internists in internship. In all disciplines, a complete educational and methodological complex has been developed and is constantly being updated in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Educational and methodological complexes of all these disciplines and specialties include:

·         federal and intra-university regulatory documents;

·         work programs of disciplines and specialties, modules of disciplines;

·         methodical development of lectures according to the curriculum;

·         methodological guidelines for practical classes of students – students, residents, interns on all academic topics according to the curriculum;

·         methodological guidelines for independent extracurricular work of students – students, residents, interns on all academic topics according to the curriculum;

·         methodological guidelines for seminar classes of students – residents and interns according to the curriculum;

·         methodological recommendations for teachers on all academic topics according to the curriculum;

·         assessment funds for initial, current, intermediate and final knowledge control (test tasks, situational tasks);

·         list of educational literature (basic and additional);

·         examination materials for the three-stage final control of knowledge (test control, interview on ticket issues and situational tasks, assessment of practical skills).

The funds of evaluation tools of current, intermediate and final control of knowledge are focused on professional competencies formed at the Department of Internal Diseases in the study of the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases. Radiation diagnostics", "Internal diseases. Clinical Pharmacology", "Faculty therapy" and related labor functions of a specialist. According to the results of educational and methodological work, the Department of Internal Diseases has repeatedly won prizes.

The staff of the Department of Internal Diseases conduct scientific work on many relevant areas of modern medical science. They take an active part in the work of international, All-Russian and republican conferences.

The main scientific directions of the department:


- study of monogenic and multifactorial forms of connective tissue pathology


- cellular technologies in the study of pathogenesis and the development of new methods of treatment of therapeutic diseases


- pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of patients with Covid-19 and postcovid syndrome


- development and implementation of innovative diagnostic methods for patients with gastrointestinal, rheumatological, pulmonological pathology using terget therapy


- creation and development of competence-based approaches to the treatment of patients with an allergic history;


- nicotine addiction as a chronic systemic disease.


A student scientific circle in the format of a Young Scientist's School is actively working at the Department of Internal Diseases. Every year, from 10 to 15 students actively participate in its work. The main directions of the work of the SNK:


- skills of scientific thinking, analysis and synthesis


- methodology of literature search, compilation and publication of literary reviews


- technology of work in Russian and foreign databases


- design of scientific work, timing and logistics planning


- fundamentals of statistical analysis in medicine and their practical application


- principles of preparation of a scientific publication


- algorithm for drawing up and submitting applications for scientific competitions and grants


Every year, students studying in the scientific circle take part in the work of the Republican final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Issues of theoretical and practical medicine" and scientific forums in Russia and abroad.


VK Group - https://vk.com/club203936707

Curator of the circle: Head of the department, Associate Professor A.V. Tyurin
