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BSMU scientists with experts from 80 countries spoke at the First BRST Conference in China

On November 6, the first Belt and Road Conference on Science and Technology Exchange (BRST) was held in Chongqing Municipality in southwestern China under the theme "Collaborative Innovation - Development for All".

In his welcoming letter to the conference participants, President Xi Jinping noted that scientific and technological cooperation is an important element in the development of the Belt and Road Initiative. Zhang Guangzhong, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, also said on October 30: "In the past decade, the mechanism of S&T cooperation has deepened, the exchange of researchers has become more frequent, and the achievements of S&T cooperation have become even more fruitful."

The conference gathered more than 800 experts, including 300 invited foreign politicians, Nobel Prize winners, representatives of international organizations, university rectors and scholars from more than 80 countries. "Real science is nourished by shared experience, knowledge and volunteerism," said Bonginkosi Emmanuel Nzimande, South Africa's Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, while addressing the inaugural Belt and Road Conference on Science and Technology.

The event resulted in the launch of the International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative, characterized by openness, honesty, fairness and non-discrimination.

A delegation from Bashkir State Medical University, including Professor Olga Shangina, Head of the Alloplant Tissue Bank, Natalia Shevchuk, Deputy Director for Science of the Ufa Eye Research Institute, Olga Orenburkina, Director of the Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, Danil Galiullin, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases and New Technologies, and Emil Yamansarov, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Hybrids, also participated in the conference. Olga Shangina presented a report on research cooperation in medicine, Danil Galiullin told about the University's interaction with universities of the People's Republic of China, mutual exchange of students, joint programs for training postgraduates.

It should be noted that a cooperation agreement has already been signed between BSMU and Sichuan University.

Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае Ученые БГМУ в составе экспертов из 80 стран мира выступили на Первой конференции BRST в Китае