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Tennis players of BSMU became the best in the republic

Table tennis competitions to count the Universiade of the Republic of Bashkortostan were held on December 1-2, 2023 at the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University. Twelve universities, including the BSMU team, took part in it.

The honor of BGMU was defended by:

Vyacheslav Bayramalov L-503B

Azat Riyanov P-304A

Pavel Furs L-505A

Karina Iskakova L-520A

Anna Yedrenkina L-413A

Renata Galina L-203B

The team of BSMU showed willpower, high skill and took the 3rd place in the team standings.

We congratulate athletes and coach, senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education of BSMU Suleymanova Zilya Gilmanovna and wish new victories!

Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике  Теннисисты БГМУ стали лучшими в республике