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Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Alexander Rumyantsev delivered a lecture at the University

The University was visited by the scientific director of the Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, President of the National Society of Pediatric Hematologists and Oncologists, Professor Alexander Rumyantsev.

Alexander Grigoryevich gave a lecture "Immunological development of a child" for students of the pediatric faculty in the 8th building of BSMU.

Earlier, at the State Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Professor Alexander Rumyantsev took part in a round table on the fight against cancer. The organizers of this event were the working group on oncology, oncohematology and transplantation of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection under the leadership of an outstanding specialist - Alexander Grigoryevich Rumyantsev.

Alexander Grigoryevich Rumyantsev is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, as well as scientific director of the Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology.

В Университете с лекцией выступил академик РАН, профессор Александр Румянцев В Университете с лекцией выступил академик РАН, профессор Александр Румянцев