The first issue of the newspaper was published in September 1968, during which time the traditions of medical journalism were laid. The initiator of the creation of the newspaper “MEDIC” was the rector of the Bashkir State Medical Institute named after the 15th anniversary of the Komsomol, Professor Iksanov Zainulla Aminevich. The first editor of the newspaper “MEDIC” was Svetlana Alekseevna Panasenko. The newspaper was published on 4 pages of black and white printing monthly with a circulation of 999 copies, distributed in the Belarusian State Medical Institute. The newspaper had the following sections: About the best teachers, Look up to them - about excellent students, the pulse of Bashkortostan State Medical Institute, Collective portrait of the department, About student construction teams, MNO forge of scientists. From 2001 to 2005, the editor-in-chief of the MEDIC newspaper was Professor Oleg Vladimirovich Galimov. The newspaper was not published in 1994-2000, 2005-2007. From 2008 to the present, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “MEDIC” is a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, associate professor Rakhimkulov Azamat Salavatovich.
Currently, the MEDIC newspaper is published monthly on 4 or 8 color pages with a circulation of 999 copies, distributed free of charge to BSMU and health care facilities in the city of Ufa, where the clinical departments of the medical university are located. The newspaper has the following sections: Faculties of BSMU, Clinic of BSMU, Divisions of BSMU, History of the University, Scientific and Cultural Life of BSMU, Humor and others.
OFFICIAL GROUP Newspapers “Medic” BSMU in contact
Prepared by Azamat Rakhimkulov
chief editor of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU,
Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan
Медик-ТВ - Medic-TV
Today there are more than 30 higher educational institutions in Ufa. All of them are at different economic, social, public levels of development: independent republican universities and branches of large Russian academies, institutes and universities. It is an undeniable fact that only diversified universities occupy leading positions.
In the field of Russian higher education, virtually every higher education institution strives to organize and develop its own media space.
BSMU is the leading university in the Republic of Belarus, but currently there is an acceleration in the pace of development and competition from other universities. Therefore, activists (students of the journalism department of the department of cultural and mass work) developed a project to create university television at BSMU and submitted it to higher authorities for approval.
The project is of great importance for the development and improvement of the information infrastructure of BSMU. The emergence of a channel that ensures effective information exchange between university students is useful for the systematic development of the university. The broadcasting's focus on the social aspects of student life and the educational component make the project to create and develop university television relevant.
Thanks to the university television Medic-TV, it is planned to develop the creative and constructive activity of students; stimulating their initiative in developing areas that are especially significant both for the university, the city, and for the students themselves; enriching the inner world of students; providing a training platform for training future media specialists; developing public awareness about the activities of medical workers, department staff, and students.
Television occupies a significant place in the system of university corporate communications, the “share” of which in the activities of the university is significantly increasing against the backdrop of the increasing importance of the modern university as a subject of information, educational, scientific and cultural interaction in the conditions of building an information society, which determines the role of the university as a leader in the use of potential of communication innovations. And it is Medic-TV that can become a universal platform for dialogue interaction between various interested audiences, recreating the model of civil society “in miniature” at the level of BSMU.
The university faces a number of tasks, the relevance of which is dictated by the times: ensuring continuous education, developing the skills of university students in various information environments, participating in projects aimed at increasing media literacy in a temporary society, etc., the university finds itself at the center of information impacts and there is a need to modernize the system communications.
We developed the regulations on university television Medic-TV back in the summer of 2011, and we hoped for a positive response from the management. Our university has almost everything needed for the development of television. First of all, it is a wide network of televisions, which is spread throughout almost the entire university. Of course, they still provide important information to students and department staff. If we add to this an overview of the life of the university: news, events, addresses from teachers and administrators to students and much more, then we can turn the university into an effective tool for the formation and transmission of the corporate culture of BSMU.
Student of the Department of Journalism O. Gilmityanova
Editorial staff of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Rakhimkulov Azamat Salavatovich
Chief editor of the newspaper "Medic" BSM
Chief editor of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Rakhimkulov Azamat Salavatovich
Position: Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Rakhimkulov Azamat Salavatovich has been working since 2008 as the chief editor of the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU. Born on August 14, 1973 in Ufa. In 1988-1992 worked as an orderly in the clinic of the departmental hospital of Art. Ufa. In 1998, he graduated from the medical faculty of the Bashkir State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine, and in 1999, he completed an internship in the specialty “Neurology” at the Department of Neurology with courses in neurosurgery and medical genetics of the Belarusian State Medical University.
In 1999-2000 worked as a neurologist in the neurological occupational pathology department of the clinic of the UFNII MT and EC. Since November 2008, he has been working as a neurologist at the Medical and Health Complex, a branch of the open joint-stock company Bashkirenergo (LOC OJSC Bashkirenergo). Since April 2018, he has been working as a reflexologist at Artmedical Spine Clinic LLC.
In 2001, he completed clinical residency in the specialty “Neurology” at the Department of Neurology with courses in neurosurgery and medical genetics of the Belarusian State Medical University.
On a voluntary basis, from April 2001 to 2005, he worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU. In February 2008, he was appointed editor of the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU. In November 2008, he was appointed editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU. Member of the editorial board of the literary almanac “A Lot Probably”. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. In December 2001, he was elected chairman of the public organization “Medics of Bashkortostan”, and in 2013 he was elected chairman of the regional public organization of the Republic of Bashkortostan “Medics of Bashkortostan”, and currently heads the organization. In the 2002-03 academic year, he was awarded a scholarship from the President of the Republic of Belarus for high achievements in studies and scientific activities. Since 2003, on a voluntary basis, he has been the head of the KVN BSMU. Since 2006, head of the Medical LEAGUE of KVN.
In 2004, he completed clinical postgraduate studies in the specialty “Neurology” at the Department of Neurology with a course in neurosurgery and medical genetics of BSMU. In November 2004, he successfully defended his thesis on the topic “Cerebrovascular diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan and methods of treating initial manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain.”
In 2016, he underwent professional retraining at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation under the program “State and Municipal Management”.
In 2020, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Bashkir Philology, Oriental Studies and Journalism of the Bashkir State University with a degree in Journalism in the Master’s program “Journalism: Modern Technologies.”
In December 2003, he was accepted by competition to work as an assistant at the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization with a course in nursing management and IPO at BSMU. In April 2008, he moved to the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of BSMU. In March 2009, he was elected associate professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of BSMU. In April 2013, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization.
Currently, he is an associate professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Organization of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of BSMU, chief editor of the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU, head of the journalism department of the OKMR BSMU. He published 93 scientific and methodological works.
Mansurova Razalina Rishatovna
proofreader of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
proofreader of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Mansurova Razalina Rishatovna
Position: proofreader of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Mansurova Razalina Rishatovna, born on November 4, 2004, in the city of Tuymazy, Republic of Bashkortostan.
From 2011 to 2022 studied at MAOU Internet School No. 1. In 2022, she graduated from school with honors.
Since 2022, he has been a student at the Pediatric Faculty of BSMU, with excellent academic performance in all subjects. Active participant in student events.
Since October 2022, he has been a student at the Department of Journalism of the OKMR BSMU, as well as a proofreader for the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU on a voluntary basis.
Sultanov Oleg Ramilevich
layout designer for the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
layout designer for the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Sultanov Oleg Ramilevich
Position: layout designer of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Sultanov Oleg Ramilevich, Bashkir, was born on March 5, 1998 in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. From 2005 to 2016 studied at MBOU Gymnasium No. 39, UNESCO Associated School. In 2016 he graduated from high school with a gold medal.
Since 2016, he has been a student at the Faculty of Medicine of BSMU, has excellent academic performance in all subjects.
Since September 2017, he has been a student at the Department of Journalism of the OKMR BSMU, as well as a layout designer for the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU on a voluntary basis.
Kamalieva Elza Ruslanovna
photographer of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
photographer of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Kamalieva Elza Ruslanovna
Position: photographer of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU
Kamalieva Elza Ruslanovna, was born on June 11, 1998 in the village of Ermekeyevo in the Republic of Bashkortostan. From 2005 to 2016 she studied at MOBU Secondary School with. Ermekeevo. In 2016, she graduated from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU Medical College with honors.
Since 2019, she has been a student at the Faculty of Medicine at the Bashkir State Medical University. Active participant in student events.
Since September 2019, he has been a student at the Department of Journalism of the BCMR BSMU, as well as a photographer for the newspaper “Medic” of BSMU on a voluntary basis.
Newspaper "Medic" - results for 5 years
Over the 50 years of operation of the Medic newspaper, the quality of the newspaper's printing has constantly improved. The first issues were printed on regular printer paper using the risography method. After concluding an agreement with the Bashkortostan publishing house, the Medic newspaper was printed on professional printing equipment. For the last two years, due to the development of the university’s technical support, the newspaper has been published by the BSMU publishing house on a professional color printer from digital media.
The newspaper strives to maintain connections between generations. Articles about veterans and honored figures of university science, anniversaries of university teachers are regularly published (“Borisova Ninel Andreevna (on the 85th anniversary of her birth), No. 10 (19) November 2009; “Kamilov Felix Khusainovich,” No. 11 (31) 2010, “Zakharchenko Vladimir Dmitrievich (on the 70th anniversary of his birth), No. 6 (38) August 2011; “Professor Akhmetova Beine Khaliullovna,” No. 6 (52) June 2013; etc.).
The Medic newspaper is an effective means of feedback from the university administration to departments. Information about the BSMU clinic is regularly published (“New intensive care units at the BSMU clinic,” No. 9 (18), October 2009; “The Deputy Minister of Health visited the BSMU clinic,” No. 4 (50), April 2013). A special issue is periodically published containing up-to-date information about the faculties and specialties of the university (“Specialty – social work”, No. 2 (22) February 2010; “BSMU Sports Club”, “Faculty of Culture BSMU”, No. 4 (13) March 2010.; faculties of BSMU: “Faculty of Medicine”, “Faculty of Pediatrics”, etc., No. 4 (45) November 2012).
With the help of the publication, teachers, staff and students are informed about the results of the university’s activities (“Educational work at BSMU”, No. 8 (8) November 2008; “Results of BSMU activities for the 2009-2010 academic year”, No. 8 (28) September 2010; “Results of the activities of BSMU for the 2010-2011 academic year”, No. 6 (38) August 2011).
The newspaper also strives to convey to students and employees of BSMU information about the latest research, theoretical research and practical achievements of medical science (“Stem cells – myth or reality?”, No. 1 (10) January 2009; “Telecommunication technologies in healthcare”, No. 1 (33) January 2011; “Our surgeons performed a liver transplant for the first time” Newspaper “Medic” No. 4 (50) April 2013).
Regular publication of articles telling about the everyday life and holidays of student life attracts the attention of a youth audience. The opportunity to learn about the successes of their classmates in various fields (science, culture or sports) gives students the opportunity to feel their involvement and pride in the achievements of the university (“KVN Medical League”, No. 6 (6) September 2008; “A Simple Medical Student” , No. 1 (33) January 2011; “The winners of the Olympiads are future medical students,” No. 6 (38) August 2011; “The first interregional Olympiad in biological chemistry “Biochemist - 2013” was held at BSMU, No. 6 ( 52) June 2013).
The newspaper does not ignore various holidays. A useful and good tradition is the release of the January issue with a special bonus - a calendar for the next year (“Medic-2009”, No. 1 (10), January 2009; “Medic-2011”, No. 1 (33) January 2011) . Posting information about unofficial, but popular holidays helps to maintain a friendly and cheerful atmosphere in the team (“The whole truth about Valentine”, No. 2 (22) February 2010; “Preparing for 2013 - the year of the black snake!”, No. 5 (46) December 2012; “January 25 – Tatyana’s Day”, No. 1 (47) January 2013).
The newspaper actively cooperates not only with university staff and teachers, but also with students. Students taking an elective course in journalism at the department of cultural work of BSMU are regularly published on the pages of the university newspaper (“Days of Bashkir Youth - 2009”, author R. Harrasov - student of the department of journalism of FC BSMU, No. 8 (17) September 2009; “Tatiana’s Day at BSMU”, author A. Ueldanova - student of the journalism department of FC BSMU, No. 2 (22) February 2010; “Special prize of the All-Russian Student Olympiad for BSMU students”, authors Y. Kazykhanova, L. Kurbanova - students of the department journalism OKMR BSPU, No. 4 (50) April 2013). In each issue, student articles occupy at least 25% of all published materials.
Prepared by Azamat Rakhimkulov
chief editor of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU,
Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan
Achievements of the newspaper "Medic" BSMU