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Gumerova Azaliya Mikhailovna

Gumerova Azaliya Mikhailovna

Gumerova Azaliya Mikhailovna

Position senior lecturer

Teaching activities: conducts practical classes and seminars in the “Russian as a foreign language” disciplines at the International faculty. Conducts elective courses. Organizes literary events, international Russian language Olympiads for foreign students, language festivals, film screenings, meetings of a speaking club.

Scientific interests: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language; peculiarities of medical translation; neurolinguistics; interactive technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language; language personality; linguoculturology; cognitive linguistics; participation in scientific conferences of republican, all-Russian and international level.

Scientific activity: participation in scientific conferences of the republican, all-Russian levels (in the future - international level).

Educational and methodological work:

- participation in the development of a working program in the discipline “Russian as a foreign language” (specialty General Medicine);

- creation of a certification base for examinations and tests in the course “Russian as a foreign language”;

- development of teaching materials for the course “Russian as a foreign language”.

Main publications:

1. Gumerova A.M., Saitova K.A, Chusova K.V. Studying of Problems of Online Education on the Basis of Medical Students' Opinion Poll // Traditions and Perspectives of XXI Century Science. Proceedings of X All-Russian scientific and practical (pedagogical) conference. Tambov, 2021. – P. 24-28.

2. Gumerova A.M., Kudryavtseva ZG, Chusova K.V. The use of gaming technologies in the lessons of RFL // Questions of pedagogy. 2020. No. 9-2. P. 58-61.

Organizational and methodological work: organizes and holds various events for students, which include the annual Russian language Olympiad, the annual international festival of languages, literary evenings, film screenings, as well as meetings of a speaking club.

Public recognition:

- letter of gratitude from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (International Russian Language Olympiad, Ufa, 2017);

- letter of gratitude from the “Total dictation” project manager (Ufa, 2018);

- letter of gratitude from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (International Language Festival, Ufa, 2018);

- letter of gratitude from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (poetry evening, dedicated to Sergey Yesenin’s birthday, Ufa, 2018);

- letter of gratitude from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (International Russian Language Olympiad, Ufa, 2018);

- letter of gratitude from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education BSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (International Language Festival, Ufa, 2019).
