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Mingazetdinova Lira Nabiullovna

Mingazetdinova Lira Nabiullovna

Mingazetdinova Lira Nabiullovna

Position Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1

Academic degree: Doctor of Science

Academic title: professor

Lira Nabiullovna Mingazetdinovna is the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. The formation of Bashkir cardiology as a scientific school is associated with her name. For many years she was the chairman of the Society of Cardiologists of Bashkiria.

Lira Nabiullovna graduated the Bashkir Medical Institute with honors in 1960, worked as a general practitioner at the Republican Clinical Hospital, and completed her postgraduate studies ahead of schedule in 1967 with the defense of her PhD thesis on the topic: “Epidemiology of coronary heart disease in the organized population of the city Ufa". Lira Nabiullovna had been an assistant at the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases since 1967, had become an assistant professor at the department of hospital therapy since 1979. She defended her doctoral dissertation in Moscow in 1982 on the topic: “Arterial hypertension, detection, prevention and treatment among workers and employees of industrial enterprises in Ufa”. Lira Nabiullovna had been the Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 from 1983 to 2002.

More than 40 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations have been defended under the leadership of Mingazetdinova L.N. She had carried out scientific work at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the problem “Health of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan, issues of prevention” for 10 years.

More than 20 monographs, 600 articles were published, of which 65 in the central press, 6 in foreign journals.

Lira Nabiullovna participated in the World Congress of Cardiology in Berlin, European Congresses in Sweden, Austria, Turkey. She is the member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Cardiologists, the League on Arterial Hypertension, the member of the certification commission of the city health department.

Name of area of ​​training and specialty: therapy, cardiology

Disciplines and courses taught: internal diseases 5.6 course

Area of ​​scientific interests: cardiology, rheumatology
