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Position Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, responsible for educational and methodological support of the discipline “Foreign Language” in bachelor’s program 06.03.01 Biology, master’s program 06.04.01 Biology (Fundamental and applied microbiology).

Disciplines taught:

Foreign language.

Education, qualifications, academic degree, scientific rank

In 1987 graduated from Bashkir State University, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology with the qualification of: Philologist. Teacher. Translator specializing in English Language and Literature.

15.12.2004 – awarded with PhD of Philological Sciences (specialty 02.10.04 - German languages) by the decision of the dissertation council of the Bashkir State University, the academic degree was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

28.02.2008 –the academic title of Associate Professor, the Department of methodology of teaching foreign languages and second foreign languages.

Data of refresher courses

2018 – “Training of experts of the republican subject commission for checking tasks with a detailed answer of exam papers of the State Examination in English, State Institution of Further Professional Education Institute of Educational Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

23.12.2023 – “Foreign language for academic purposes in medical universities”, 144 hours, Institute Complementary Education (ICE) of FSBEI HE BSMU MOH Russia, Ufa.

14.01.2021 – “Modern psychological and pedagogical, information and communication technologies, inclusive education in the implementation of basic educational programs of higher education and intermediate vocational education”, 108 hours, FSBEI HE BSMU MOH Russia.

14.03.2023 – “Providing first aid to injured workers”, Aktion University.

Scientific interests: linguistic and methodological foundations of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic specialties, cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, language of the media.

33 articles have been published (including articles from the Higher Attestation Commission, materials for international conference, etc); 6 training manuals.


2009 – Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the work as a member of the Republican subject expert commission of the State Examination, English language.

Email: in.yaz-lat.yaz@bashgmu.ru

Phone (office): 8 (347) 27-29-81
