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Sufiyarov Rinat Sabitovich

Sufiyarov Rinat Sabitovich

Sufiyarov Rinat Sabitovich

Position Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology
Academic degree: Doctor of Science
Academic title: professor

Disciplines taught:

- Microbiology, virology

Level of education, qualifications, academic degree, academic title

- Bashkir State Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, (1982-1988) awarded the qualification of a doctor, specializing in general medicine.

- Internship (1988 - 1989) Department of Faculty Surgery with a course of coloproctology in the specialty of surgery, qualification - surgeon.

- Clinical residency (1994-1996) Department of Faculty Surgery with a course of coloproctology in the specialty of surgery, qualification - surgeon.

- Candidate of Medical Sciences - specialty 01/14/17 - surgery, 02/03/03 - microbiology

- 01.09.09- 26.12.09 Diploma of professional retraining PP-1 No. 613424, IPO GOU VPO BSMU under the program “Healthcare Organization and Public Health”.

- Doctor of Medical Sciences - specialty 01/14/17 - surgery, 02/03/03 - microbiology

Data on advanced training and (or) specialty:

- 2006 Current issues in surgery, IPO BSMU.

Scientific interests:

study of some properties of associated bacteria in surgical infections; development of approaches to the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases caused by mixed infections

43 published works, including 6 patents, 1 textbook of the Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2 textbooks of the BSMU, 1 monograph