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Yakovleva Lyudmila Viktorovna

Yakovleva Lyudmila Viktorovna

Yakovleva Lyudmila Viktorovna

Post Head of the Department of Polyclinic and Emergency Pediatrics with IDPO course, MD, Professor
Academic degree of Doctor of sciences
Academic title (s) Professor
Disciplines taught
-Polyclinic and emergency pediatrics
-Children's cardiology
Level of education, qualification, academic degree, academic title:
The Bashkir State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics, (1975 - 1981) was awarded the qualification of a doctor, specialty "Pediatrics".
Internship 01.09.1981 - 01.09.1982 Republican Children's Clinical Hospital, Moscow. Ufa with a degree in Pediatrics
Clinical residency 01.09.1984-30.08.1986 BGMI, Moscow. Ufa with a degree in Pediatrics
Full-time postgraduate study 1986-1989. BSMU, c. Ufa with a degree in Pediatrics
Candidate of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.00.09 - pediatrics) was awarded by the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Omsk State Medical Institute of 25.10.1990 protocol №89 and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission on 05.06.1991. KD № 038295.
Doctor of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.00.09 - pediatrics) was awarded by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of 04.02.200 № 4d/21 DK № 001865. The academic title of professor was awarded by the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2002 № 62-p PR № 006099