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Kuchina Ekaterina Serimzhanovna

Kuchina Ekaterina Serimzhanovna

Kuchina Ekaterina Serimzhanovna

Position Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic and emergency pediatrics with IDPO course
Academic degree of         Candidate of Sciences
Disciplines taught:
- polyclinic and emergency pediatrics
Level of education, qualification, academic degree, academic title:
Bashkir State Medical University, Faculty of Pediatrics, 2005.
Internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" of BSMU from 01.08.2005 to 31.07.2006
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences "Pediatrics", Diploma series KND № 029874. Moscow, awarded by the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev of 25.10.2016. №20
Research interests: pediatrics
Author of 17 scientific publications, including VAK 6.