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Akhmetova Elvina Aslyamovna

Akhmetova Elvina Aslyamovna

Akhmetova Elvina Aslyamovna

Graduated from Bashkir State Medical University in 2011. As a student, she was the head of the course. She actively participated in the social life of the university. She was engaged in a scientific circle at the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology with the Postgraduated courses.

She began her career in April 2012 as a psychiatrist in the State Medical Institution of the RKPB No. 1 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Then, from July 2012 to April 2020, she was a psychiatrist-narcologist at the GBUZ RND No. 1 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Since 2020 – Head of the stationary department of the GBUZ RCND of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Since September 2016, she has been an assistant at the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology with the Postgraduated courses FGBOU IN BSMU. Currently, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy with the Postgraduated courses. Since 2018, she has been a researcher at the Department of Treatment of Alcoholism Patients at the V.M. Bekhterev Moscow State Medical University (St. Petersburg). In 2018, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic "Studying the prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances among adolescent consumers of schools in the Republic of Bashkortostan with an in-depth study of consumers of the synthetic cannabinoids group". Since 2014, she has been actively studying the problems of the distribution of new narcotic synthetic substances. Participant of numerous Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, as well as webinars. To date, 123 articles on this topic, 32 HAC articles have been published, 4 articles (SCOPUS) have also been published, 4 textbooks and practical recommendations have been published, patent for invention No. 2016124886/14 dated 21.06.2016 has been issued. Prize-winner of the poster presentation competition on the topic "An attempt to classify synthetic narcotic substances" at the international scientific and practical conference in Tomsk (November 1-2, 2016) and the competition of scientific papers of young scientists at the All-Russian School of Young Psychiatrists in Suzdal (April 23-28, 2017). Prize-winner of the competition in the nomination "The best Internet project for the primary prevention of substance use" at the first international competition of prevention, rehabilitation and resocialization programs in the field of mental health, Moscow, 2016. Prize–winner of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) (March 23-25, 2018, Volgograd). Prize-winner of the Olympiad of scientific works in the field of drug addiction prevention in the nomination "The best work of specialists in the field of prevention», Ufa, 2018.

In 2015, as part of an interdepartmental working group under the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan and together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, she participated in the development of a methodology for remote psychosocial testing of students in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan (dated 07.09.2015; No. 1755) according to this methodology, from September 7 to September 10, 2015, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, an online socio-psychological testing in 131 educational organizations of 8 municipal districts and 3 city districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 2015, she was the organizer and head of the Healthy Family project for the primary prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism among adolescents and children. In the same year, a grant from the President of the Russian Federation was received for the implementation of this project in accordance with the decree "On Ensuring State support in 2015 for non-profit non-governmental organizations Involved in the Development of civil society institutions and Implementing socially Significant projects and projects in the field of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms". In 2016, she was the organizer and project manager during the implementation of the grant of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Bashkortostan "Labor readaptation of persons who have passed the rehabilitation program through training in the basics of beekeeping "School of Beekeeping".

In 2018, together with colleagues, she participated in the implementation of an open competition for research work on the topic "Improving the demographic situation in the Republic of Bashkortostan, reducing mortality by major groups of diseases, increasing the life expectancy of the population" with the project "Development of a computer program for screening diagnostics of potential suicide risk groups among residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan, abusing and addicted to alcohol."

In 2019, she participated in the organization of a project implemented in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 15, 2005 No. 205-z "On the budget process in the Republic of Bashkortostan", the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated October 18, 2017 No. 475 "On competitive selection and the Procedure for granting subsidies from the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan to socially oriented non-profit organizations for the implementation of socially significant programs" for the purpose of financial support of costs, related to the implementation of the socially significant program "Program for achieving individual sobriety Sobriety-Cloud".

In 2019, she was the head of the study "Social, personal, molecular and genetic characteristics of adolescent consumers of synthetic cannabinoids with symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", conducted within the framework of a regional research competition, in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated 17.10.2018 No. UG-211 "On grants of the Republic of Bashkortostan to young scientists".

In 2021, she was the organizer and head of the project "Organization of a developmental camp for teenagers", implemented as part of the first competition for grants from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society in 2021.

The results of the work are used in conducting training sessions with students, interns and residents in the specialty "Psychiatry and Narcology" at the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology with the Postgraduated courses of the BSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

She is the developer and organizer of numerous projects on the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, including among children and adolescents.

Since 2019, she has been the moderator of the School of Young Scientists on Personalized Psychiatry, Narcology and Neurology, held jointly with the V.M. Bekhterev NMIC PN.

Annually participates in the organization of scientific and practical conferences, while also actively makes reports and scientific reports.

She is a member of the Academic Council of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Narcology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Clinical and biological psychiatry and narcology, psychotherapy, neurobiology, pharmacogenetics.

