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Academic Affairs

Organization of educational process

The educational process in a higher educational institution differs significantly from the way it is organized in a secondary school. One of the most important tasks of the higher school (educational organization of higher education) is to teach the student to study independently for the rest of his life. While studying at the university, only the foundation of knowledge and skills in the chosen course of preparation is laid, which will allow you to continuously improve. The concept of "education through life" has replaced the previous approach of "education for life".

The main thing in the period of studying at the university is to learn the methods of self-organization, independent intellectual work, consciously develop one’s creative abilities. For this, it is necessary to strictly follow the academic discipline.

Types of educational activities can be divided into classrooms (lectures, practical classes, seminars) and extracurricular independent work (preparation for classes, writing abstracts, case histories). Independent work at the university plays a huge role in quality education.

The academic year begins on September 1 and is aligned as per the schedule of the educational process approved by the head of the structural unit, which reflects the periods of the classroom lessons, intermediate certification (session), practical lessons and vacations. All the academic time of the student at the university is divided into 2 semesters, as a rule, each semester ends with an intermediate certification - tests or examinations in disciplines. At the same time, the intermediate certification of the autumn semester is completed before January 25 and the spring semester begins no later than February 9, intermediate certification of the spring semester and state final attestation is completed by June 30.

After 1 semester, 1st year students undergo a practical training course (12 days). At the end of the spring semester, a clinical practice is conducted, after which the summer holidays begin.

Lessons are held from Monday to Saturday

1 lesson

08.45 – 10.20

2 lesson

10.30 – 12.05

Lunch break from 12.05 till 13.00

3 lesson

13.00 – 14.35

4 lesson

14.45 – 16.20

5 lesson

16.30 – 18.05


During the classes, students are required to follow the academic discipline and safety rules. In the classroom, students must have a neat appearance, be sure to wear a medical white coat and cap and secondary pair of shoes.

Simulation based training

In the training of highly qualified specialists constant deepening of existing knowledge and improvement of practical skills has a significant part. In this regard, the management of the university and the dean's office for international students pay much attention to training students to acquire the knowledge and skills they received during classes, in practice using manikins and high-tech simulators.

Such class exercises allow students to develop a willingness to work together in a team, not only in usual situations, but also in emergency situations, when the mobilization of all human abilities is required.

Simulation is a technique (not a technology) to replace and amplify real experiences with guided ones, often “immersive” in nature, that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. “Immersive” here implies that participants are immersed in a task or setting as if it were the real world.

History of SBL

Full-body mannequin simulators originated in the field of anesthesia in the late 1960s, based on work done by Denson and Abrahamson from the University of Southern California. This model was known as ‘Sim One’ and was used for training in endotracheal intubation and induction of anesthesia. In the 1980s, during the time when personal computers became less expensive and more simulation software became available, independent groups began to develop simulator systems. Much of this was utilized in the areas of aviation, military training, nuclear power generation, and space flights. In the early 1990s, more comprehensive anesthesia simulation environments were produced, which included the MedSim and, later, the Medical Education Technologies Inc. (METI) Advanced Human Patient Simulator. Aviation simulation training concepts then begun to be gradually introduced into anesthesia and other areas of medicine like critical care, obstetrics, emergency medicine, and internal medicine. Current full-body simulator models incorporate computerized models that closely approximate the physiology seen in the human body.


Simulation-based learning can be the answer to developing health professionals’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes, whilst protecting patients from unnecessary risks. Simulation-based medical education can be a platform for learning to mitigate ethical tensions and resolve practical dilemmas. Simulation-based training techniques can be applied in designing structured learning experiences, as well as be used as a measurement tool linked to targeted teamwork competencies and learning objectives.


The skills requirement which can be enhanced with the use of simulation include:

a.       Technical and functional expertise training

b.      Problem-solving and decision-making skills

c.       Interpersonal and communications skills or team-based competencies

BSMU offers 2 Centers for developing clinical skills

-        Center of Practical Skills Development

-        Center for Simulation-Based Learning


Study portal

For unlimited access of students to methodical and educational materials there is a study portal, for access to which it is necessary to go to the link: http://edu.bashgmu.ru/

To access all the services you need to complete the registration procedure.

After registration, all materials of the different departments, arranged in alphabetical order, are available to the user.


To be able to use the extensive resources of the BSMU Scientific Library, which is located in the 7th block (Pushkin Str. 96/98) on the first floor, the student must register for a library card in the room no. 114 (for English-speaking students), 117 (for Russian-speaking students).

If you lose your library card, you must report to room no. 117. It takes 2-4 weeks to re-issue the library card.

In case of loss of any book, according to the Library's Rules of Use, the student is required to purchase an equivalent copy of the book lost from library's literature list.

The student can also visit the room no. 126 for using the library's electronic resources, which include Russian and foreign resources (using a library card)

Electronic literature search is also available on the official website of the Scientific Library: http://library.bashgmu.ru/

The subscription of scientific literature in foreign languages is equipped with a set of textbooks on the majority of subjects for 200 students. The catalog includes all major world publishers and translations into a foreign language of classical university textbooks.

