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Extracurricular activities

Organization of extracurricular activities with students

In the context of globalization, the expansion of international contacts, the humanitarianization of education, the popularization of multicultural education, on the one hand, and the emergence of interethnic detestation, discord, and conflicts, on the other, the education of students in the modern Russian and international educational expanse is particularly relevant. This is the focus of attention of the administration of the Bashkir State Medical University, the faculty, the staff of the administrative units for the accomplishment of national tolerance, interest and respect for other nations, religions, cultures, not only for students who are citizens of the Russian Federation, but also for students from other countries, who are educated in BSMU.

Each culture is unique, distinct, and therefore beautiful and interesting - it is on the understanding of this idea that all the activities are aimed. The training of students in a medical college anticipates the implementation of communicative, educational and disciplinary goals.

BSMU uses both traditional methods of familiarizing foreign students with life in Russia, the republic and the university, and new means and ways of active involvement of youth in the educational, scientific, sporting and cultural environment of the region and the university are being explored.

The main approaches of educational and extracurricular activities:

- Councils of compatriots and student union

- Involvement in the social life of the university

- Participation in city and national events

- Cultural and Linguistic Club at the Scientific Library of the BSMU

- Bilingual (multilingual) environment in the university

- Student’s Press group

- Curatorial work

International students actively participate in the volunteer movement. Our student volunteers were chosen during the SCO and BRICS Summit in Ufa (2015), the Health Week with the participation of rectors of Russian universities, the Congress of the Russian Society of Urology.

The cultural and linguistic club "Between the cultures" has been working since January 2017.

For the comprehensive development and encouragement of the talents of the students, great attention is paid to sports and cultural events within the university and participation in those that are held outside it. Therefore, in particular, our students always take part in boxing and kickboxing tournaments, winning prizes. Sections of football and badminton are actively working and arranging matches not only between teams from different countries, but also uniting representatives of different nations in teams. For the students from the Republic of India there is a very interesting section of cricket. Foreign citizens bring the sports achievements of the republican, all-Russian and world level to the University's collection.

An important role is played by the involvement of senior students, as well as examples of successful graduates of the university, continuing to receive education in internship, residency, postgraduate study in the process of adaptation , which is one of the strongest stimulus for personal development of students. The university has a strong student union.

It has become traditional to hold meetings with students, both with representatives of individual countries, and also general, conducted under the guidance of the administration of the university, where the students, in addition to familiarizing themselves with the rules of the University and the campus and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation, have a great opportunity to ask all their questions.

The organization and conduct, as well as the active participation in cultural and educational events of the international, all-Russian, national levels, including those conducted by other universities is practiced.

The popularity and interest of not only the students and employees of the University, but also the people of Ufa, have become a good tradition of celebrating the national holidays of the countries (Diwali, Republic day of Tajikistan, etc.).

In addition, since January 2017, the student press group (BSMU-Press Team) has been activated at the dean's office, covering the activity of the dean's office and international students in popular social networks and in addition to this, the press group unites photo lovers.

https://vk.com/bsmupressteam - BSMU Press Team
https://vk.com/sovzembgmu - Совет землячеств БГМУ

