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Healthcare & Medical Insurance

Compulsory medical check-up during application to the University and before practical praining

On applying you have to submit a health certificate, which includes the following:

1. Physician check-up

General practitioner or internal medicine doctor’s conclusion:

·       Medical fitness to undergo a study in the university

·       Absence of mental disorders and drug/alcohol addiction

Medical check-up results shoul have information about presense or absence of chronic medical conditions as follows: Diabetes, Epilepsy, Mental illness, Genetic abnormalities etc

2.Instrumental medical examination

Chest X-ray

3. Laboratory test within the medical examination

1.     A HIV antibodies Blood analysis

2.     A syphilis blood analysis.

3.     A malaria Blood analysis (indications listed below)

4.     A hepatitis blood analysis for the type B virus (HBsAg) surface antigen

5.     A hepatitis blood analysis for the type C virus (anti - HCV) surface antigen

6.     A helminthiasis (ova) feces analysis (indications listed below)

4. Additional medical inspection if prescribed by general practitioner or internal medicine doctor

1.     A dermatologist examination

2.     An infection disease doctor ‘s examination

3.     Other examinations according to clinical indications

4.     Other examinations according to epidemic indications

The countries of the helminthiasis endemicity, which citizens should pass the helminthiasis laboratory research as a part of a medical examination

All the foreign countries of the tropical and subtropical climate (situated in Asia Minor and Southeast Asia, Africa, South America).

The countries, the former Soviet republics: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Turkmenia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, as well as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (the rural areas).

Medical care for foreign citizens

Medical services for foreign citizens is provided on the basis of the medical insurance policy of a foreign citizen, acquired at the expense of own funds.

International students obliged to have medical insurance during all period of stay in Russia

Recommended minimal insurance coverage for students


Medical student immunization requirements

The health of the individual can affect the health of the entire campus community. BSMU is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students, the campus community and beyond. In order to protect the campus from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, ALL incoming students are REQUIRED to obtain specific vaccines and undergo screening for Tuberculosis or provide documentation demonstrating compliance with these requirements.

BSMU requires students to have proof of immunity and/or vaccinations for certain diseases including:

·       Measles, Mumps Rubella, (MMR)
·       Hepatitis B
·       Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap)
·       Tuberculosis (TB) Testing

Recommended Vaccines

In addition to the required immunizations we also recommend that you consider the following immunizations if applicable:

·       Varicella

  • Hepatitis A vaccine.
  • Human Papillomavirus vaccine.
  • Meningococcal Vaccine Meningococcal

A record of Meningococcal vaccine if under 22 years old. If first dose was given before the age of 16 years, a booster dose must be recorded).

  • Influenza

Please note that the Influenza vaccine will be required during the Fall 2017. Flu vaccine clinics are held at the medical school in the Fall.

  • Pneumococcal Vaccine

If you have a history of asthma or other lung diseases, have immune issues, or are a smoker.

  • Rabies
  • Typhoid


